2022 Endorsements
I’m humbled to be endorsed as a pro-education candidate by the Wyoming Education Association's Political Action Committee for Education. During my interview, I shared, “Education is a foundational piece of Wyoming’s heritage and future success. It is the key to an informed and engaged citizenry. As a building block to a strong, diverse economy, I will be an advocate for education as a fundamental right of every resident”.
Federated Fire Fighters of Wyoming
I have been endorsed by the FFFW for my willingness to listen to issues that impact our brave men and women who run towards danger, not from it, too keep us safe. Both my husband and father-in-law were volunteer fire fighters so understand, first hand, the issues surrounding firefighter’s safety, compensation and well-being.
Wyoming Public Employees Association
The Wyoming Public Employees Association represents Wyoming state employees and Laramie County School District #1 classified staff. We advocate for safe and ethical workplaces, fair compensation and a better quality of life for all of Wyoming.
In 2020 I was endorsed by the nonpartisan Cowgirl Run Fund!
The Cowgirl Run Fund's mission is to help elect more women so that women’s voices are present in shaping public policy. The goal is to build a pipeline of women from across the political spectrum who are seasoned in political leadership.
The Cowgirl Run Fund bases their endorsements on:
A history of and commitment to supporting other women
Ongoing civic engagement
The skills and capacity to mount a competitive campaign
I wouldn't ask for you to vote for me just because I am a woman, but because I am the right woman for this job!
Click here to view a list of women candidates endorsed by Cowgirl Run Fun.
“I am excited for vocalize my support for Trey Sherwood, if only to give back a small fraction of the support that she has given to me, my business, and downtown Laramie for years. I am constantly impressed with Trey’s die hard belief in service and positive attitude. Her work with the Downtown Laramie is important by bringing opportunities to businesses, brainstorming creative development projects with limited resources, while keeping art and history prominent in all discussions. I have always felt that Trey ‘has my back’ and now a broader community will get to feel that generous spirit that she brings to all of her work.”
“Trey has been a kind and considerate voice in our community for over a decade. Her approach to leadership is the thoughtful voice Albany County needs to promote our interests in Cheyenne. Her collaborative approach has proven results that benefit all peoples who love to work and play in our communities.
“Trey Sherwood is such a huge asset to Downtown! Her name comes up at every meeting, event, and in every business. She has personally helped me succeed on more occasions then I can mention. Trey’s positive attitude, network of resources, and amazing ability to problem solve makes her a valuable asset anywhere. We are just so lucky she has chosen to use her talents to develop our community!”
“I am humbled by Trey Sherwood. She makes me want to try harder, do better, and give selflessly for others. I often fail miserably, but Trey doesn’t. She is an inspiration, a dedicated steward of humanity, and a believer in the good of the world. If you are a registered voter in Albany County, please check out her platform and read these other humbling endorsements by so many individuals who have witnessed the light of Trey Sherwood. Vote.”
“I was so fortunate that Trey was one of the first people that I met when I moved to Laramie, Wyoming. She has played such a huge role in helping me to expand and grow my business. I felt a true sense of community for the first time in my life thanks to Trey. She introduced me to so many incredible people and continues to do so. Trey is a huge asset to her community because she truly cares about the well-being of people and businesses. She has strong leadership skills and always shows up with excitement and positivity. It is infectious! I can think of no one better suited or more passionate to represent the beautiful state of Wyoming. ”
“As a Downtown Laramie business owner I have only but the BEST things to say about Trey. I feel like she is such a valuable part of our community. From the first day I decided to go into business she has been an advocate for me and for so many others Downtown. She has been a sounding board, a bank of endless knowledge, an uplifting, driven and motivated asset. She actually cares about small business. She cares about Laramie and she shows this in every possible way she can. Trey Sherwood is such a valuable member of our community and you better believe she makes a huge difference for so many of us Downtown. Vote Trey because you can believe in her and she will believe in you, and sometimes that all you need. We are so thankful for all you do!”
“I can think of no better suited individual to represent the Laramie community than the incomparable Trey Sherwood. Her drive, commitment, and love of Wyoming is present in everything she does, creating a vibrant, inclusive, economically thriving place to call home. I’ve had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with Trey through her leadership positions at the Laramie Main Street Alliance and the Laramie Art Coalition. The experiences gained from these partnerships highlighted Trey’s inspiring empathy and unwavering dedication to the future of Laramie. She fosters a deep love for this state and its people. I fully trust that Trey Sherwood not only has the business skills to create a more resilient Wyoming, but also the creative vision to diversify our economy and the crucial personal skills necessary to listen to and serve the people.”
“Trey Sherwood has mentored me for over 10 years and has taught me so much about leading community change, the power of public engagement, and the importance of a well-rounded approach to economic diversification. Her positive outlook for community development is grounded by proven strategies and she is focused on building solid foundations that support both rapid responses and long-term growth. I am confident in her ability to use these skills to build partnerships in the Wyoming Legislature and to make decisions that best serve the citizens of Albany County and Wyoming.”
“It was 2014 and I was new in town, eager to connect with other business owners and show Laramie what my photography company had to offer. While at a downtown event, somebody asked: ‘Have you met Mama Trey yet?’ I hadn’t but I did that day, and since then I have been blown away by her generosity, guidance, and support. Trey is indeed the selfless mother of many Laramie businesses and a cheerleader for business owners’ efforts, downtown and beyond. She is passionate about everything she does, and puts her soul in every project, job, and friendship she engages in. Trey truly cares about her town and her state, and I can’t think of a better person to represent her district in the Wyoming House of Representatives.”
“When I chose to plant my roots in Laramie I was a newly-wed, newly-graduated, new small business owner, with an inordinate amount of knowledge gaps on how I should fit into my community. For a decade, Trey has nurtured my relationship with my home state of Wyoming, empowered me as a woman in business, pushed me to use my unique voice in my town, and led me to the information and tools I need to weave myself into the fabric of Laramie. She leads by example–compassionately and feverishly–with mission-driven efforts rooted in cultivating a diverse, eclectic, supportive, safe, and thriving home for all of our state’s residents. She works thoughtfully, strategically leveraging local innovators and celebrating our regional thought-leaders, while also knowing when it’s time to roll up her own sleeves and put her boots on the ground. As a Wyoming-born millennial, my relationship with the state that I so love has been often strained, uncomfortable, and unsupportive of my vision for myself, my peers, and my place. Without question, Trey’s leadership is what kept me here, kept me focused, kept me hopeful. There is no one I trust more to work for the continued growth and resilience of the place I work, live, and play–today in the face of economic and social justice devastations, and tomorrow, as we build a mightier Wyoming.
“As a transplant from across the WyoBraska border, I didn’t find my stride in Wyoming until I began giving my time back to my community in Laramie. Volunteering and working at local businesses, I found a home hearing people’s stories and how they came together. Trey was one of the people that showed me how much of a difference we can make in the world if we give everyone the time of day. In my time serving at the Laramie Main Street Alliance, I saw how Trey brought people together towards an already bright future. Her endless creativity and relentless energy got us through some long days and hard fights, and I know she has the scorecard and the wherewithal to lead Wyoming at the state level. ”
“Trey Sherwood’s effervescence has long been one of her hallmarks as she inspires Wyoming Main Street projects and vision within our Laramie community. Her education and work with curating history makes her appreciate what gone before to create a community and craft the smartest vision for the future. Trey has a knack for being the best of wise cheerleaders and certainly was that for us in her positions Laramie Main Street director and as one of our Board Directors for this stunning historic house museum. Her energy and vision helped as we dreamed of new possibilities and outreach for this important nonprofit association. Her enthusiasm has helped the museum and so many other entities in Wyoming hang in through the tough times and look at the ways we can herald our communities and showcase even more of the reasons we love our Wyoming town and choose to live in this vital Western state.”